Sunday, May 13, 2007

getting our greens

four egg omelette with delicate gouda, caramelised red onion, and fresh asparagus
a little browned so not exactly textbook, but fantastically delicious nonetheless

fave cryptic clue of the week: upper class leading artist (3,6)

last breakfast's answer: yank

the soundtrack for this sunday morning breakfast:

joss stone
introducing joss stone


Anonymous said...


This Sunday I was contemplating Reeces Peanut Butter cups and Coca-Cola for breakfast but then my dear husband came home with some orange juice and donuts from an excellent little donut place not far from our home. They can do things to a cake donut that will make your mouth water - and I generally don't like cake donuts!

Anonymous said...

*looks around* Hey we're missing two whole Sundays of breakfast here, what gives?

Chris said...

hey Julia - well spotted. We were away camping for those two Sundays and I haven't got around to uploading the camping Sunday morning breakfasts yet